Underbar gel

Product, Medical, Human Factors, Cycling, UX.

Cyclist’s palsy affects both experienced and inexperienced cyclists but particularly road cyclists due to rough terrain and vibration. Through human experience, material structure and manufacturing methods compression reduction on cyclist’s ulnar nerves was achieved. The desired design effectively spread the pressure on hands and wrists caused by constant gripping of handlebars. The project’s objective was to surpass competitors compression reduction on the ulnar nerves and improve cyclist’s health. Whilst reduction could be easily achieved by increasing the thickness of the material. human experience and handlebar feedback would be affected. When directly compressed the design performed 8% better than the existing leading market project.

Development of 6th mould iterations - 30th silicone casting: smaller holds provided better overall direct pressure reduction than the larger counterparts, based off the direct load testing and cacluations from the Poisson ratio.

The combination of human experiences and material experiments were required to ensure that the development direction of the project could be justified. Various human experience design methods including scenario, persona, blind touch tests and thickness experiments were conducted.